Angels Camp

Angels Camp is the overall title of a body of work based on a fictional story.The project consists of a full-length film (80’), a sound and video installations, photographs, objects, music and a novel. All these components work together as a group at the same time independent and closely inter-related. They complement each other, and each in its own way helps develop the story. The full-length film tells the story of a region and its inhabitants. It is a saga in four episodes, shot season-by-season over a year. The characters are: the Woman with a torch, her Mother and Imaginary Sister, Celya and Arantxa the two Cabin Girls, the Man of the Woods, the River Girl, Marie, Dani, the White Dog, the Kids with the Foal.
The story plunges us into their lives, dreams and destinies. Together they are the guardians of a shared experience, lived in the imaginary world of Angels Camp. The settings in which these characters take refuge play a vital role in the story. The pine woods, the caves and mushroom beds, the hidden creek, the village of abandoned cabins evoke the joy of wide open spaces and the world of childhood, with its uninhibited behaviour, the freedom to break with accepted codes and establish one’s own rules. The landscapes act as mirrors, reflecting the inner life of the characters.
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